Welcome !
Chi Omega Tau is truly a special place. From the women who have gone before us to each pledge class that runs home every fall, our love for our chapter and sisters goes beyond imagination.
Serving as one of Chi Omega's oldest chapters, our chapter prides itself on its deep history and everlasting imprint on The University of Ole Miss.
Chi Omegas are truly a well-rounded and diverse group of women! We seek to foster individual growth among each of our chapter members so that they can positively impact our university and community. Whether that be their involvement in the Ole Miss Ambassadors, Women in Business, Ole Miss Athletics, or local clubs, it is hard to find an organization that doesn’t have a Chi Omega in it.
Through this website, we hope that you are able to see a glimpse of all that Chi Omega Tau is. There is far too many memories and moments to be shared through this site, but the photos shared embody our sisterhood in its best way.
We are like-hearted individuals who have the same foundational principles that the Chi Omega symphony reads.
Chi Omega Tau

Chi Omega Symphony
To live constantly above snobbery of word or deed;
to place scholarship above social obligations
& character before appearances;
to be in the best sense, democratic rather than "exclusive",
and lovable rather than "popular";
to work earnestly, to speak kindly, to act sincerely,
to choose thoughtfully that course
which occasion and conscience demand;
to be womanly always; to be discouraged never;
in a word, to be loyal under any
and all circumstances to my fraternity
and her highest teachings and
to have her welfare ever at heart
that she may be a symphony of
high purpose and helpfulness
in which there is no discordant note
- Ethel Switzer Howard

CHi OMega
FUn Facts
FOUNDED: April 5, 1895 - University of Arkansas
FLOWER: White Carnation
SYMBOL: Skull + Crossbones
COLORS: Cardinal + Straw
PHILANTHROPY: Make-A-Wish Foundation
MOTTO: Hellenic Culture + Christian Ideals
Member Testimonies

Chi O has become my home away from home. When I walked through the doors for the first time, I felt a sense of overwhelming love and support, as well as the ability to be my true self!

I have found sisters who encourage me daily, cheer me on, and celebrate me regardless of the season I am walking through.

I am forever indebted to Chi Omega for giving me my best friends - the people that love me well, lift me up, and push me to be the best version of myself on a daily basis.
Get in Touch!
We'd love to hear from you

President's Email:

Mailing Address:
Chi Omega
P.O. Box 1268
Oxford, Mississippi 38655